James 9th September 2019

It's always important to remember that no matter when a pet is lost, it's not about losing them, it's about the memories that they've given us over the years. Bonnie has given me and my family all the joy we could possibly want from a pet. We are blessed and supremely thankful that she was part of our lives. We cannot forget that Bonnie is very special- this is because she's with us in our minds and the memorials, pictures and tributes we've bestowed upon her in loving memory. Nora McInerny says "We don't move on from grief, we move forward with it". With this in mind, Bonnie has allowed my family to come closer together, closer to Izzy, Lorna and Hamish as well as our cat Jessica, brought us closer to wider family and friends, allowed me to make this tribute page, gave us more knowledge about dog health and warning signs, made me more connected with others who've lost pets-altogether she has made us all stronger and more resilient.